Club Events
Throughout the year, EALOC participates in community and social events. These events include the annual orchid auction, field trip, picnic and holiday party, as well as the weekly maintence of Zoo Miami's orchid collection.
Annual Auction
The club holds an annual auction at FIU in November which is the club's only fundraiser. Members help by posting flyers, handing them out to others, passing the word and inviting people to the auction. Donated plants, pots, baskets, hangers, potting materials, tools and other items are included in the auction. Many generous donations come from local growers. (See "Friends of Eastern Airlines Orchid Club" webpage.) Volunteers help with set-up, clean up and plant pickup.
Annual Field Trips
Scheduled in Spring
The club has field trips to various professional growers and members who hold open houses. These are always special times of fun and learning to see how others grow orchids.
Zoo Miami Orchid Crew
Thursdays and Scheduled Saturdays
A select few of the EALOC members are also Zoological Society of Florida (ZSF) volunteers who meet every Thursday morning to maintain the Zoo Miami orchid collection. There are approximately 1,000 plants located throughout the Zoo grounds. These plants come from donations, as well as confiscations by the United States Customs. Throughout the year, based upon need, the ZSF volunteers and additional EALOC members join together on Saturday mornings to work on projects. They may be fertilizing, planting, or working on the irrigation systems. The Zoo recognizes EALOC as an asset to the beautification of its botanical gardens. Proudly, whenever a patron enjoys an orchid in a tree, it's all attributed to EALOC. A bronze plaque is displayed on Zoo grounds, acknowledging EALOC's efforts to enhance the Zoo's landscape.
Holiday Party
Each year, the club sets aside the December monthly meeting for a club's celebration of the holidays. Featured is a delicious covered dish feast where members bring in a gourmet side dish and the club provides the ham, turkey, beverages, appetizers and desserts. This is the only month of the year the club meets on the second Friday, instead of the usual third Friday. Each member receives an annual holiday gift plant. There is a centerpiece competition where members who wish to participate make a holiday table centerpiece to decorate the table. The centerpieces are judged and prizes are awarded. It's a nice way to end the year!
Annual Picnic
Each year, the club sets aside May's monthly meeting for a club's annual members' picnic. The club provides the main course and members are asked to bring side dishes. Members are free, but a fee is charged for guests. This is yet another opportunity for members to socialize, as well as enjoy a day's outing. Of course, there's the opportunity to win orchids and orchid-related supplies just by playing Bingo!!!
Kampong Krew
Scheduled On Needs Basis
One of our newest community involvement projects is volunteering for The Kampong. The Kampong is the historic residence and garden of Dr. David G. Fairchild, best known as the "Christopher Columbus of the Plant World" A small crew mount and maintain the Kampong's orchid collection. They are not regularly scheduled. Depending upon the need of the garden's director, the crew schedules themselves, usually around six times a year. .