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Interesting, Informational and Useful Websites (Part 1)


Below are website links that were selected for being interesting, informational and/or useful for orchid enthusiasts. Readers are encouraged to give feedback, as well as send additional website links to the webmaster.  Please go to the "Feedback and About" webpage to offer feedback and other website links.  The reader's input is the key to making this page helpful to everyone.


Do you have an interesting website to share?  

Please e-mail the website address and it can be shared with everyone.  

Internet Orchid Species Photo Encyclopedia


This website offers an orchid species photographic encyclopedia, containing 17,556 species in 862 genera.  This encyclopedia is updated often and encourages orchid enthusiasts to send in additional orchid information and photographs.  The author encourages support for the website by sending a $10.00 a year subscription.  The money goes directly to providing additional reference materials and no funds are used for personal reasons.  


What's Your Birth Orchid?


This website identifies an orchid for each birth month.  Just click on the birth month link and the reader will to be able to read a brief description of the birth orchid, as well as the meaning of the flower.  What personal characteristics does your orchid denote?


Orchids on Trees Photographs


This link offers outstanding, quality photographs of orchids in trees.  All orchids are identified.  This is a site for purely enjoyment and appreciation for the plants that grow in nature.  Enjoy!!!

Homemade Orchid Fertilizer


This is an interesting article.  It describes common ingredients found in the home that are sources of nutrition for orchids.  Even if the user doesn't choose to try the recipes, useful and interesting facts are discussed that pertain to maintaining the health of one's plants.

Rare Unusual Orchids


The contents of this website is to exhibit photographs of some of the most extraordinary rare orchids.  The photography is excellent.  These pictures are gleamed from various different websites.  Among the photo collection, but sure to check out the White Egret Orchid, the Naked Fairy Orchid and even an Angry Orchid!!!

Wild Tropical, Rare, and Some Hybrid Orchids Galleries


This link takes the reader to Pieter C. Brouwer's gallery of  photographs of wild, rare and hybrid orchids. Many orchids are galleries, whereby, the user only has to click on a gallery to view a multitude of related orchids. All photographs are superior in quality.  Enjoy!!!

Interesting Websites, (Part 2)

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