Founded in 1963
Affiliated with the American Orchid Society
In 1963, the Eastern Airlines Orchid Club was formed to foster good fellowship through the common love of orchids in all their forms and varieties; to share both the knowledge and techniques of culture and the mystery and beauty of the plants and flowers.
History of the Club

The above-mentioned mission statement was created by the Eastern Airlines Orchid Club which was founded in 1963. It was through the interest and hard work of O. Clyde Bramblett that the club was formed.
The first meeting was held on July 21, 1963 at the IAM Union Hall at Eastern Airlines on NW 36 Street. Officers were elected for a term of one year. They were President Clyde Bramblett, Vice President Carl Gardner, Secretary Fred Stone and Treasurer Ken McCorkel. Thirty-three people signed the roster and paid their first year's dues of $1.00.
The first guest speaker was Mr. Ruben Sauleda, who, at that time, had been featured in the Sunday edition of the Miami Herald because of his pollination of orchid seeds and hybridizing experiments. Later, he became Dr. Sauleda and continued his work at his former business "Ruben in Orchids" where he became well known for his hybridizing and flasking until his retirement in May 2014.
Not only did the club promote education in the culture and care of orchids among hobbyists back then, but it was and continues to be very active in the community.
*Note: Select "More History" To Learn More About The Club's Development
Our Vision
We seek knowledge through sharing and learning. Members are encouraged to bring their orchids to the monthly meetings as a means of learning through sharing.
Plants are not awarded ribbons, thus, eliminating the stigma of feeling that orchids are not good enough to share. Everyone's orchids are worthy and we urge members to bring them for "show and tell".
2023 Board and Committee Chairs
Board Members
President - Chris Rawls
Vice President - Ralph Hernandez
Treasurer - Chris Bernt
Special Events - Betty Alexander
Members-at-Large - Dean and Suellen Powell,
Diane Dickhut, Lou Silva,, Rene Silve,
Nora Robbins, Yania Martinez and Jorge Li
Committee Chairs
Communications - Chris Rawls
Refreshments - Lou and Rene Silva
Membership - Diane Dickhut
Raffle - Suellen Powell
Silent Auction - Ralph Hernandez
Sunshine - Diane Dickhut
Zoo Project - Betty Alexander
Kampong Project - Yania Martinez
Show and Tell - David Foster
AOS Representative - Alexis Dominguez