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Interesting, Informational and Useful Websites (Part 6)


Below are website links that were selected for being interesting, informational and/or useful for orchid enthusiasts. Readers are encouraged to give feedback, as well as send additional website links to the webmaster.  Please go to the "Feedback and About" webpage to offer feedback and other website links.  The reader's input is the key to making this page helpful to everyone.


National Geographic - Search for Ghost Orchid Pollinator


These rare, charming orchids were long thought to be pollinated by a single insect: the giant sphinx moth. But now, photographs by Carlton Ward Jr. and Mac Stone show that a couple of moth species other than the giant sphinx visit and carry the ghost orchid’s pollen—and the giant sphinx itself may play a completely different role than previously thought.

Rare Florida "Night Orchids" Saved by Common Fruits

This video explains, for the first time, scientists have used a mix of natural products found locally to propagate the flower.


"Interesting , Websites (Part 1)"

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